Models with sample-selection biases are widely used in various fields of economics such as labour economics (see Maddala, Amemiya, and Mroz). The models are usually estimated by Heckman's two-step estimator. However, Heckman's two-step estimator often performs poorly (see Wales and Woodland, Nelson, Paarsch, and Nawata). It is necessary to use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the models in such cases. For solving uncertainty data of a parametric sample selection model, in this paper needs to consider the models estimation using fuzzy modeling approach, called Fuzzy Parametric Sample Selection Model (FPSSM). Fuzzy Parametric sample selection model (FPSSM) is builds as a hybrid to the conventional parametric sample selection model. Finally, the result is shown, using FPSSM and Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) to estimate the mean and standard deviation (SD).

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